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Axios Error Handling

Error handling in Axios


Axios is a popular JavaScript library for making HTTP requests. It is simple to use and provides a number of features that make it a good choice for developing web applications.

Error handling

One of the most important features of Axios is its error handling capabilities. Axios provides a number of ways to handle errors that can occur during an HTTP request.

validateStatus config option

The validateStatus config option allows you to define HTTP code s that should throw an error. This is useful for handling errors that are not considered to be "successful" by Axios, such as 404 errors or 500 errors.

catch() method

The catch() method can be used to handle errors that occur during an HTTP request. The catch() method takes a function as an argument, and this function will be called if an error occurs.

Using AJAX

Another option for handling errors is to use AJAX. AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, and it is a technique for making HTTP requests without reloading the page. AJAX can be used to handle errors by sending a separate request to a server to handle the error.

Axios error handling approach

If you want to handle all basic errors in your request module without needing to use catch on each call then the Axios approach is to use the .then() and .catch() methods.

toJSON() method

The toJSON() method can be used to get additional information about an error. The toJSON() method returns an object with the following properties:

  • message: The error message.
  • code: The error code.
  • stack: The error stack trace.


In this short article, we looked at how we may handle various sorts of failures and errors in Axios. This is also important for giving the correct information to users, as well as for logging and debugging purposes.
